I'm Hoping Exercising Again Will Help Ease My Stomach Condition
Let me start off by talking about what this article isn't. This article isn't promising a miracle cure to any known chronic stomach conditions. This article isn't claiming to detox your body. This article isn't a discussion on the harmful nature of 'free radicals'.
So what Is this article talking about?
This article is a reflection of my journey to recovery through exercise and a dialogue on how I, and millions of others like me might ease the symptoms of a very severe condition.
I have ulcerative colitis, and it's something I've lived with for years. I know first-hand what it is to find yourself keeling over in pain. I, like anyone who has to live with an unpleasant, high risk condition (stomach or otherwise), wishes nothing more than to be rid of it. And of course I have tried multitudes of cures from medicine to holistic ('super') foods.
In my case the colitis disappeared on a number of occasions, but being a chronic illness it does inevitably come back in times of stress and overwork. On one occasion the symptoms ceased for a very long time, and I'd like to talk a little more about that time, what I did to get better, and why I think exercise might get me there again.
I was experiencing a particularly severe flare-up. My doctor prescribed a higher dose of medicine in combination with a steroid treatment. When I didn't feel like it was working for me I went to the natural food store where I was recommended a cocktail of holistic foods, drinks, and herbal remedies.
I don't practice yoga, I don't meditate, and I don't generally follow any kind of holistic approach to life (Sorry to anyone who was hoping this article would be a '7 ways yoga cured all of my ailments'), but after taking natural cures I fully recovered within 48 hours.
That was long ago and my flare-ups have returned. I've taken the same natural combination of foods and drinks, but it just hasn't worked. My body's lack of responsiveness left me wondering, what was different about that time? And then it hit me. Exercise.
At the time I had a flexible gym membership and I was going to the pool every day. The exercise alone wasn't improving my situation but I realize that in combination with the food, my chance of recovery vastly increased. Eating anti-inflammatory foods alone wasn't enough, nor was exercise without the right diet.
All exercise, whether it's an intensive two hour aerobics session or a 15-minute stroll in the neighborhood helps counter inflammation, joint and otherwise. The difficult thing for many people is sticking with an exercise program that works. I'm a lazy person when it comes to getting my tush off the sofa, I'll be honest. Having a flexible gym pass helped me try out different workouts and some were more appealing than others.
Swimming is great exercise for people with stomach conditions, that's not a scientific statement but my experience. So what's my conclusion. I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and try to recreate the circumstances that led to my quick recovery. A combination of holistic foods and regular exercise. I'll let you know how it goes.